I made this Dress Clothes Quilt for a friend from some of his old clothes that made there way to the rag pile. Each square is 12 inches and i was able to get 3 squares from each side of the shirt and 1 from each sleeve. I though the buttons and zippers gave a nice effect to the quilt. so i incorporated them but I only put them on the front of the quilt and not in the first row so they would be less likely to catch on something unexpectedly or bother the user if they pull the quilt up to their eyes.
The squares cut out and arranged for the front.

The squares cut out and arranged for the back.

The back squares sewed together in a row.

The front all stitched together.

Quilt sandwich the front and back faced good side to good side with batting on top. I trimed the batting after i had sewn all around the edges.

The most fun thing about this quilt is that i did not have to leave an opening on the side to turn the quilt inside out.

I just unbuttoned one of the front squares and pulled the quilt though this opening, :)

The opening right side out.

The front of the finished quilt.

The front of the finished quilt with some of the back showing.