I made a couple girls Drawing Pad Totes for Christmas. The idea was to have a note pad where they could draw and have crayons or colored pencils (as age appropriate) stored in the same place.
I began by measuring the size of the paper and then tripling (plus seam allowance) it to get the base size of the of the tote. I sewed along three sides leaving an opening about 1/3 of the length open on the long side. This was done so you could turn the fabric inside out as well as place a stabilizer in between the layers.

also while sewing one end shut i also sewing in one of the handles which were 1.5 to 2 inch fabric tubes. I made large handles to make them easier for the girls to handle. Also at this stage add the ribbon between the handles to tie the tote shut. [not pictured :D]

Next I added the stabilizers to the turned out fabric. I bought two kinds of placemats to give the bag structure. I used hard plastic placemats under the middle panel and the panel where the paper goes. Under the side where the crayons go i used a foam placemat that I could sew through.
Once those were in place I sewed two lines to keep the stabilizers in their panels.
Then I added a some fabric over the opening which will later be sewn down to give the crayons individual pockets. I doubled over the fabric so I would not need to hem the material at the top but also to give the pen pockets extra strength but being held in place under two layers of fabric. the length of fabric needs to be longer than the size of that panel to allow for a "pleating" like effect when sewing the pockets.

Before the pencil pocket gets sewn in place don't forget to add the handle and a tie ribbon at the joint between the pencil panel and the middle panel.

Once you have decided how many pockets you want just sew along the lines you made and you will have pencil pockets on both side of the pencil panel.
This is the finished tote when you first opening it

Then opening the tote

The fully open tote view.

I also made a tote in purple. The pink one has erasable colored pencils and the purple has twist up crayons. [Hopefully the twist up crayons won't make a big mess if left in the hot car...]

The closed totes.
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