Sewing Economist
This is a blog of one economists sewing and other craft projects.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Baby Toys
A friend just had a baby so i figured an infant would need fuzzy toys more than anything for Christmas. I made her a cat and a dog. The dog ...
PJ Pants
I made three people PJ pants for Christmas. To make the pattern I traced existing pj's that fit me well onto newspaper. Then I traced ...
Fused Grocery Sack- Bag
For Christmas gifts I thought I would try and "go green" with the wrapping materials. Green was taking more time and plastic bags ...
Drawing Pad Tote
I made a couple girls Drawing Pad Totes for Christmas. The idea was to have a note pad where they could draw and have crayons or colored pen...
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Black and Gray Tomatoe Pin Cushion
Creation of a black and white Tomato pin cushion for my friend that likes black and gray and did not own a pin cushion!
Wedding Invitation Frame
I made this frame for some friends that are getting married soon. They sent a cute poem in the invitations saying they had a lot of stuff bu...
Fabric Flower Pins
I found this cute tutorial from "Sew Blessed" for fabric flowers and thought i would make some for a friend who lost the flowe...
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